Sunday, February 27, 2011

SEO Techniques and Tricks for influential Search Engine Optimization

  1. Write Unique Content with High Priority
  2. Creation of Powerful Keyword Phrase in Content or Title
  3. Choose a Keyword Phrase that is popular but not too much popular
  4. Write an accessible website for Search Engine Spider and Screen Reader
  5. Use your targeted Keyword Phrase in Title Tag
  6. Get Domain with your targeted keyword phrase
  7. Use Keyword Phrase in your website pages URL
  8. Use Keyword Phrase in URL but not too much
  9. Use Targeted Keyword in Headline of Press Release or Article
  10. Use Keyword Phrase in Anchor Text of Links
  11. Try to get your Keyword inside incoming link
  12. Try to get links from trustworthy websites
  13. Create Content as much as you can
  14. Keep your website content inside theme of website
  15. Create a sitemap for website
  16. XML sitemap or Google sitemap create
  17. For Permanent Redirection use 301
  18. Only for Long URL use 302 redirection
  19. Put the keyword in first paragraph
  20. Put the keyword phrase in top of HTML Code
  21. Put the keyword phrase in Alternative Text
  22. Increase size of Font for your Keyword Phrase
  23. Write Descriptive Meta Description
  24. Submission in Yahoo and DMOZ Directory
  25. Periodically check your outbound links
  26. Keep your Web Pages regularly updated
  27. Use Flash for non-critical pieces of page
  28. Keep your pages close to the root directory
  29. Use the meta keywords tag and include your keyword phrase
  30. Keep your keywords together
  31. Use your keyword phrase in your meta description
  32. Use your keyword phrase in named anchors
  33. Register a .com domain over a .biz or .us domain
  34. Use JavaScript with care
  35. Don’t host your site with a host that allows spammers
  36. Don’t write your content with JavaScript
  37. Don’t omit alt text for images especially images inside the text
  38. Don’t try to optimize for more than 2-3 keywords and phrases
  39. Don’t use your keyword phrase too much
  40. Don’t have more than 10 words in your URL
  41. Don’t use dynamic URLs
  42. Don’t rely on AdSense to boost your rankings
  43. Don’t have broken links on your site
  44. Don’t use the meta refresh tag to redirect users
  45. Don’t duplicate content on your site
  46. Don’t use robots.txt to ban large portions of your site
  47. Don’t write bad or incorrect HTML
  48. Don’t create Flash splash page
  49. Never redirect to another domain
  50. Don’t Hide Text – Your Site Will Be Banned

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Seo tips - a superior technique to get started with your internet site Seo Procedure

if you are trying to your website that will help you have a big traffic with your main money site .Assuming you have good volume daily visitors with your website then without a doubt you can generate a
good amount using adsense revenue or clickjunction ,clickbank affiliate products and programs.
However the main real question is the place to begin a suitable seo strategy.Should planning now achieve seo website have provided some seo tips’ve got to undertake this particular carefully..
if we discuss seo tips then look at focus on its name that has been seo means search engine optimisation. Inescapable though there are a number live search but you will concentrate mainly on
google yahoo and google because today it’s only google posessing your database of all things whether we examine website informations or contact of advertiser companies.
Seo tips to be considered
1.quality articles-
yes that may be very-very important can will surprise of your day google will deindex those posts which may be found can take in a lot od decrease in surp boosts of
many good website,even though these basic mistake.attempt to avoid post same article additional 5 places atleast. seo tutorial
something different article really needs to be of excellent quality in order for people frequently come again
and again on that article.will help you it generate sticky.
2.choose your keyword wisely-
give a good time to locate or select some really good keywords in your case personally.because this is vital associated with our planning.provided you can use paid keyword tool then good otherwise find all paid keyword
analyzer tools made by this site without cost(obviously working crack).alternatively use google adword tool cost-free.while searching protect viewed as. “EXACT” searches only.
b.make an attempt to choose keyword with highest searches .
c.keyword important least possible competition. vital thing also search that keyword in google to check out if there any authority sites or superb page ranked sites are stored on the # 1 or dead.
e.but if your priority is earning from adsense ads not from affiliate programs then in adword tool add column of “CPC” to assist you to select which keyword provides you with more estimated pay
per click.
To get seo tips a person follow this you start getting complete seo tips collection and also you can aquire a reasonably-priced seo services and free seo tutorial are also available on site .

Google Does it Again

Just when you thought it was safe to optimize your website for Google they changed the algorithm again.  This time it is aimed at “content farms” – those websites designed to contain a tremendous amount of content; typically low quality original articles or information plagiarized from other sites.  However, based on existing/older algorithms, this content draws high SERP (search engine results page) listings.  The content farms typically sell ad space due to their high traffic (often from Google itself) but are of little use to the visitor because the content in unacceptable.
So what does this mean for you, the Kitchen and Bath Professional?  It is a reminder that “content is king” and quality supersedes mediocrity.  Taking the time to create valuable, original content will win the SERP battles over pages and pages of keyword-crammed copy.  You are experts in design, cabinetry, appliances, the intricacies that make up a functional kitchen, color, work space; the list goes on forever… Write about what you know with thoughtful, in-depth articles for your website or blog and you’ll be fine.
Here is a link to a more detailed article from that includes links to other helpful information.